Operation Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities of Indoor Water Park in Winter
Guangzhou SQV Amusement Equipment Co.,LTD
2020-05-22 13:42:11
shikewei    2020-05-22 13:55:32

Among all the amusement spots, the project most affected by the season is the water park. The water park is known as "golden 100 days", which means that the best time to operate the water park is only 100 days, and the peak season of operation is between June, July, August and September. The specific time depends on the climate of different regions It depends. Most outdoor water parks follow this rule, but with the development of the water park industry in China, there are also many parks that use indoor and constant temperature operations to lengthen the operation time of the water park, hoping to obtain more camps Close. However, in the actual operation process, water parks open in four seasons often face bleak operations in the off-season, cost investment and other pressures.

Operation Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities of Indoor Water Park in Winter

The decline in admissions is the most direct explanation. Many industry insiders said that this stems from the different seasonal needs of tourists' physiological and psychological.

"The temperature in summer is high, people have a strong desire to be hydrophilic, and the temperature in autumn and winter is low. Even if the temperature of the indoor water park is higher than that of the outdoor, due to seasonal habits and the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, it is easy to cause physical discomfort and cause colds. The frequency of playing in the paradise. In addition, people wear more clothes in winter, and the trouble of changing clothes and inconvenience in storage will also reduce the interest of ordinary tourists. ".

Operation Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities of Indoor Water Park in Winter

"The water park enters the interior, including the use of warm water in the outdoor water park in Chimelong, Guangzhou, regardless of whether the starting point is to operate as usual in autumn and winter or to extend the business cycle, it has not changed the attributes of its summer project. Therefore, in this" summer "concept The water park created under the guidance of thinking, even if it is indoor, after the autumn and winter, the number of tourists decline is inevitable. "

"Outdoor and indoor water parks will also face operational difficulties such as strong seasonality and small radiation range. The main reason is that the peak season for water entertainment projects is the summer season. In addition, from the perspective of people's living habits, playing with water The project is more suitable for summer. "

For water parks that also operate in winter, the industry is generally not optimistic. Mr. Lin Huanjie believes that the point is that the season is a direct factor that affects tourists to the water park.

believes that indoor water parks increase construction costs and heating costs in winter, and winter operations are a double-edged sword.

Basically, indoor water parks have adopted four-season constant temperature to increase their attractiveness. Can it reduce the pressure on winter operations?

"The constant temperature of the four seasons cannot completely improve and reverse the poor management of the winter. It can only be improved. The loss of the Japanese dome is the actual case. The same is true of the constant temperature water park in Nantong, Jiangsu. The operating income in winter is more than 60% lower than that in summer. . "

"The four season constant temperature of the water park to achieve winter operation is an effective means to balance the off-peak season and increase annual income and benefits. Especially in hot spring resorts, since the indoor pavilion can have both spa and water recreation functions, it has become an indispensable accessory in the hot spring resort. Achieve annual management cost allocation and employee stability, with comprehensive management benefits. "," The construction of indoor water parks should combine market environment, climate conditions, transportation convenience and other factors. If the management cost cannot reach a reasonable ratio, a prudent decision should be made based on the feasibility assessment result. "

Fundamentally let the water park reduce or avoid the impact of seasonal operations-"Jumping out of the water park is the scope and constraints of the summer project, creating a new demand and experience, then operating the water park in winter will open a brand new market. Here The key lies in the early planning and positioning. For example, the indoor theme park of Xiaoyi Dream Sea in Shanxi is not a water park, but an all-weather, all-season, all-age cross-border indoor theme park, which combines water entertainment and hot springs. Health, performance, sightseeing, sports and fitness, gourmet entertainment, and many other leisure leisure projects that tourists love create a comfortable dream scene and provide citizens with a new concept suitable for family and group amateur leisure activities, so even now is the winter During the season, there are still a lot of tourists visiting. "

"The setting of the experience project is determined by the positioning of the project! This is why resort hotels will consider setting up hot springs or water parks, while business hotels usually have SPAs, which cannot be generalized. As for water parks operating in winter, you must first stand Positioning from the angle of the four seasons, not only considering winter, nor will there be a water park that only operates in winter, no matter what the final positioning is, its positioning must not be a seasonal project in the traditional concept-water park, If such a project is completed, it is certain that the seasonal management problem cannot be avoided. "

Operation Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities of Indoor Water Park in Winter

So what measures do winter water parks need to take to increase revenue?

"Under the conditions of constant temperature, take preferential, effective promotional methods, and organize activities that can attract tourists," Mr. Zhong Xinfu, a senior water park expert, suggested, "but the most important thing is to concentrate on the summer water park operation. Is the key. "

"I suggest that a water park that is operated in winter can properly add some performance activities, increase the water experience of cultural experience, and change some items to soaking in water and physiotherapy, allowing tourists to experience the fun of water health care and change the habit of not going into water in winter. In addition, ice festivals can be held to increase ice and snow projects. The venue can also be rented out or jointly operated by other suitable winter park projects, such as ice lights, small skiing and other projects to attract tourists, and even engage in bathing, artificial hot springs and other projects, creatively. Engage in winter theme activities to create the characteristics of the winter water orchestra. However, it should be noted that the operation of the water park in winter is still under great pressure, and it is difficult to achieve the same flow of people as in the summer. ".

Operation Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities of Indoor Water Park in Winter

In order to solve the millennium problem of "how to break the seasonal bottleneck" of the water theme project, the new concept of "theme park cluster" is proposed. The theme park cluster refers to the space (at least) in a certain enough land (sea) area (at least 8000-10,000 mu) operating more than 5 theme parks with distinct themes, independent and interdependent, and an economic entity supported by a well-planned and synchronously running supporting service system. In reality, Orlando in the United States is the only model in the world. The Chimelong Resort in Guangzhou, the Haiquan Bay Resort in Zhuhai and the Overseas Chinese Town in the east are emerging.

The universality of the subject audience. Each theme in the theme park cluster must be the most popular, yearned and accepted by the public, such as advanced mobile amusement facilities, various rare animals, water parks, fashion shows, ecological parks, etc., which greatly meets the needs of the modern tourism market The needs meet the psychological demands of tourists. This is a prerequisite-only then can it be possible to attract tourists of sufficient size throughout the year without interruption.

Enrich the theme content and make the theme cross the age boundary. This is particularly important in China. One child and aging make the overall population structure of China special. Only in this way can it have a broad social influence, a wide range of word-of-mouth communication, easy marketing communication, and long-lasting business hours.

It can maximize the efficiency of resource use, and there is no off-season operation throughout the year. The theme park cluster enriches water-themed projects, jumping out of rafting to create rafting, jumping out of islands to create islands, jumping out of hot springs to create hot springs ... Expanding on the original basis of the project. For example, the most popular rafting river in summer is a rafting boat in winter, which is used for hunting projects. Tourists can sit on the boat and shoot targets on the shore. If you participate in such a project in winter, you will not get covered with water, which solves the phenomenon of no drifting in winter.

Operation Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities of Indoor Water Park in Winter

"Operating water parks in winter needs to increase marketing efforts, innovate and diversify promotional methods, such as launching family parent-child packages, unlimited number of cards for winter holidays, free for three people on birthday, and other preferential products, which greatly increase the flow of people . And the winter water park is mainly aimed at families and parent-child tourists, and is based on local customers. In order to attract tourists to repeat consumption, the water park should be rationally matched in equipment selection, with popular equipment suitable for all ages. , Supplemented by stimulating equipment that some young people like to play. Among them, the wave-making pool and the playhouse are indispensable and can cover tourists at all levels; conventional spiral combination slides, large speakers, etc. can meet the needs of most male and female tourists. ; High-speed slides, soaring roundabouts, large loops and other equipment can be selected appropriately to meet the adventure needs of young people. Large equipment such as multi-person rafting, such as family drifting slides, can also be configured with sufficient funds to achieve the reception of passenger traffic Improvement. ".

Operation Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities of Indoor Water Park in Winter

Winter operation of the water park is a double-edged sword. At present, water parks basically adopt four-season constant temperature to increase their attractiveness. The four season constant temperature of the water park to achieve winter operation is an effective means to balance the off-peak season and increase the annual income and benefits. Especially in hot spring resorts, since the indoor pavilion can have both spa and water recreation functions, it has become an indispensable accessory in the hot spring resort, achieving annual management cost sharing and employee stability, and has comprehensive management benefits. The construction of the indoor water park must be combined with market environment, weather conditions, and transportation convenience. If the project radiation market passenger flow and heating and other management costs cannot reach a reasonable ratio, then a careful decision should be made based on the feasibility assessment results.

In addition, in order to succeed in the operation of the winter water park, it is necessary to work hard in the early planning and positioning, not just the water park, but to enjoy the leisure activities that the water fun and hot spring health, performance sightseeing, sports fitness, food and entertainment, etc. Project integration.

Operation Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities of Indoor Water Park in Winter

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