How To Choose The Place For Inflatable Park?
Guangzhou SQV Amusement Equipment Co.,LTD
2019-09-07 17:08:23
shikewei    2019-09-07 17:10:43

How To Choose The Place For Inflatable Park?

1. Kindergarten: 

The main facilities of the general kindergarten include slides, trampolines, etc., but the facilities in the inflatable slides are more complete, which can better meet the children's interests and is the preferred venue for inflatable park.


2, Comprehensive shopping mall: 

This kind of mall crowd is generally more prosperous, and there is a separate floor is a children's area, very suitable for the installation of inflatable park.


3. Supermarket-style shopping malls: 

This kind of general popularity is very popular, and it is the best choice for inflatable park.


4, Large squares or parks: 

Such a local traffic is also quite large, can be used as a key place.

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