The repeater of the playground is a pair of emotional cards that need to be "heart" to play
Guangzhou SQV Amusement Equipment Co.,LTD
2019-05-05 17:02:59
shikewei    2019-05-05 17:05:11

As people's demand for services increases, more and more people are willing to spend money on services to pay for quality services. Haidilao, which has always been known for its service, has won the favor of countless customers and has become a service model for the food and beverage industry. That is, when all the competitors are staying in the service of the slogan stage, or when the customer asks for the demand and then passively service, Haidilao chooses “active attack” to take the initiative to serve the customer before the customer makes a request. Providing services not only puts the initiative in their own hands, but also allows customers to feel the "heart" of Haidilao's good for customers.

I believe that many people will encounter such a thing. When shopping, they will always encounter a variety of "passionate" shopping guides who will constantly ask you about some situations and then introduce you to various products. , the name of the United States: "tailor-made." Of course, is the product really "fit"? We don't know. But at least, this differentiated service attitude that is tailor-made for customers is there, and some customers feel that they are very useful. When they come and go, they naturally become repeat customers of the store. Then, in the operation process of the playground, how can we make customized services for customers, let customers feel our use of "heart", so that they can recognize us and become repeat customers of the venue? Below, the author will analyze each of the following aspects.

Good "heart" to establish a good brand image

Is it necessary to participate in social activities in the playground? It is necessary for some public welfare activities in the society, especially the local communities, that these activities are often organized spontaneously by citizens or community residents and do not require a large investment. It is generally the expenditure of drinking water and some necessary materials when participating in activities. For individuals and enterprises who are willing to provide sponsorship, they often leave a good social image in these people's hearts. The playground can properly seize such opportunities, increase the exposure to the public by contributing to the good intentions of the society, and establish a good brand image in the hearts of local residents.

The sense of belonging of the "heart" employees

Employees have a sense of belonging to the venue, and they will treat the venue as their own, but there is a premise that employees should recognize and trust the venue from the bottom of their hearts. In the end, the recognition of the venue by the employees is actually The recognition and trust of the venue managers, and equality and respect, is the basis for the emotional establishment between people. Therefore, in the process of employee management, the site manager needs to respect the employees in an equal angle and meet the needs of the employees themselves. Only when fully respected and their basic conditions are met can employees be able to get a true sense of belonging and be enthusiastic and active in doing things for the venue.

Good service with "heart"

As people's demand for services increases, more and more people are willing to spend money on services to pay for quality services. Why has Haidian fishing, which has always been known for its services, win the favor of countless customers and become a model for the restaurant industry? That is, when all the competitors are staying in the service of the slogan stage, or when the customer asks for the demand and then passively service, Haidilao chooses “active attack” to take the initiative to serve the customer before the customer makes a request. Providing services not only puts the initiative in their own hands, but also allows customers to feel that Haidilao is "intentional" to the customers' good intentions. The same is true for venue management. For example, if you find that a customer has been in front of a game device for a long time and hesitates and does not know where to start, then he probably needs your help, or does not know. How to play this machine? Or thinking about how to win prizes, if it is the former, you can tell him the introduction of the game; if it is the latter, you can give him some advice, no matter if you win the gift, the customer will feel you Attentive. On the other hand, if you are still standing in the distance and looking at it and you are indifferent, then, unfortunately, you will miss an opportunity for customers to recognize you. In many cases, the loss of customers is caused by the accumulation of such a little bit. .

Fine "heart" help

Generally speaking, it is always true that the service is always good, but some customers are very unique. They enjoy the time of being alone and do not like the feeling of being disturbed. At this time, the staff of the venue needs to pay great attention. If the customer originally only wants to enjoy a person's time, but the staff of the venue is still screaming and staying around from start to finish, then it is very likely to scare away. Customers are counterproductive. Therefore, before providing assistance to customers, first of all need to understand whether customers have this need?

The repeater of the playground is a pair of emotional cards that need to be "heart" to play

From the inner "heart" sense of security

The establishment of a sense of security not only needs to meet certain external conditions, but also needs to meet certain psychological needs. In the playground, sound safety protection measures can provide protection for the child's external safety, which is a sense of security brought by the external environment. Playgrounds with safety precautions and playgrounds without safety precautions give people a completely different feeling. Intrinsic safety requires the venue to build a safe and friendly environment. Through the staff of the venue staff, we listen patiently and respect the child's inner thoughts, enhance the child's participation, fully stimulate the child's potential, and help the child. Establish self-confidence and promote the healthy development of children's physical and mental health. The healthy development of children's physical and mental health is the most concerned issue for parents, and it is also the most important thing for playgrounds to do with "heart".

The famous German psychologist Ebbinghaus made an important study on the law of memory retention, and draws the famous "Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve". It is concluded that the speed of forgetting is fast, slow and refreshed. The best time is 1-24 hours after the material is recorded, and no more than 2 days at the latest. Therefore, don't think that there is nothing to do after the customer has finished shopping. In fact, the pleasure of the customer at the store will disappear with the passage of time. Therefore, how to make good use of the time when the customer leaves the store will deepen the customer. The impression of the playground is the key to retaining customers.

Small gifts and suggestions for "heart"

The venue can make reasonable use of some stock gifts to serve as gifts, give customers some small gifts when they are ready to leave the store, or provide customers with some tips on the post-care of their gifts at the venue, regardless of the gift. What is the value, will give the customer a feeling of value, he has already completed the consumption, it is reasonable to say that the venue can ignore him. However, the venue not only brought him surprises, but also related photos, which will make customers feel that this is a playground with temperature. He feels very happy and warm when he spends here.

Have a "heart" experience return visit

After customers have left the store in the store, don't let them have a psychological gap in the service of the venue. Why is the attitude before the consumption so enthusiastic, and after consumption, it becomes uninformed? This is the most taboo of venue membership management, and it is related to whether the venue can continue to win customers' favor and long-term operation. What can I do? Within a day or two after the customer leaves the store, they can call the customer to ask if they like the venue's amusement equipment, how they feel, how to improve the venue, and how to provide solutions after the customer makes a suggestion. Some promotions such as the store's ongoing activities, etc. Here, it should be noted that don't let the phone be connected. It's easy to arouse the customer's resentment and feel that you are selling. Although it is, we can do it in another way. Let’s start the topic from the customer’s point of view and let the customer feel that you are really caring about him.

Unscheduled warm "heart" greetings

In addition to the above, the venue can also send blessing information to customers on their birthdays, holidays and other festivals based on the information registered by the customer at the venue. However, it should be noted here that too much commercial information will make customers feel resentful. Only the information that is warm and caring by friends can make customers feel moved. Therefore, regarding the content of information, it is necessary for the venue personnel to use the "heart" according to the customer's specific situation. Edited, such as: Holiday SMS: The key point is to give customers a good wish for the holiday, to avoid mentioning the store's holiday promotion in the message; Birthday SMS: The key is to remind the customer not to forget that today is his birthday, and send it to Shinji Blessings; Seasonal text messages: When the weather changes, remind customers to pay attention to add and subtract clothes, pay attention to diet and so on.

Using "heart" is the most popular marketing method for customers, and it is also the most humane marketing method. If the staff of the venue can care for the customer like “Heart” cares about their family, then the customer will affirm and trust the venue from the bottom of the heart, become a repeat customer of the venue, and continue to bring benefits to the venue.

Is your venue really using "heart"?

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