Compensatory homecoming, can it fire Qingming, May Day holiday amusement market?
Guangzhou SQV Amusement Equipment Co.,LTD
2021-04-05 17:15:16
shikewei    2021-04-05 17:16:49
Photo Source/Scenic Marketing School

Original source / CCTV finance, orange tourism, scenic marketing real-life public number and network and other information synthesis

The policy was relaxed
Ticket bookings and prices have both picked up
Qingming tourists or up to 100 million

This year's Qingming Festival holiday for April 3 to April 5, reporters learned that some popular directions of tickets than during the Spring Festival travel is more sought-after. In addition to railways, the number of air traffic is also rising. According to the data, ticket bookings for may Day travel have doubled in the same period in 2019. Qingming, May Day search volume of popular routes, to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen out of Hong Kong to the southwest of Chengdu, Chongqing routes increased the most year-on-year. Travel destinations to Yunnan increased the most year-on-year.
In order to make up for the Regret of not accompanying relatives in the New Year, the upcoming Qingming holiday, many people choose "compensation-style return", "compensation-style return" topic properly on the hot search list.
Ticket bookings for may Day travel have doubled in the same period in 2019. In the past week, Qingming ticket bookings have increased by more than 150% compared with last week, and cross-provincial line travel bookings have increased by more than 170%. Compared with the same period in 2019, the search volume of domestic routes during the Qingming period has been restored to 80% and the booking volume of returning passengers has been restored to more than 90%.
At the same time, ticket prices have risen recently. Industry data show that the current Qingming holiday tickets pay an average price of 689 yuan, the industry summed it up as the price "one night back before the outbreak." On March 22nd, tourism stocks also rose. At the close, western tourism jumped nearly 15%, Guilin tourism, Tibet tourism rose and stopped, Tengbang International jumped more than 8%.
Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the Guide to Measures for the Recovery and Opening of Tourist Attractions for Epidemic Prevention and Control (revised in March 2021), requiring that the maximum number of tourists in tourist attractions be determined by the Party committees and the government of the provinces (districts and cities) in accordance with the situation of local epidemic prevention and control, and not to engage in "one size fits all".
National Health And Safety Commission spokesman Mi Feng said recently, at present, the domestic low-risk areas with healthy access to the "green code", in the temperature measurement is normal and do a good job of personal protection under the premise of orderly travel, all places may not be unauthorized code. Due to the improvement of the epidemic prevention and control situation, travel policy further relaxed, Qingming Festival will usher in this year's first cross-provincial tourism peak, tourism markets around the gradual heating up.

Travel demand for Qingming and May Day holidays is further warming up (photo / CCTV)
Travel demand for Qingming and May Day holidays has picked up further (Figure/CCTV)

The increase of air tickets mainly comes from visiting relatives and traveling
The increase in air tickets is mainly for family visits and tourism

Shanghai-Sanya, Beijing-Chengdu, Shanghai-Chengdu, Beijing-Sanya, Shanghai-Chongqing, Beijing-Shanghai, Shanghai-Guangzhou, Guangzhou-Shanghai, Beijing-Guangzhou and Shenzhen-Shanghai are among the top 10 routes in this year's Qingming holiday. Ticket bookings to Beijing, Hangzhou, Kunming, Xi'an, Haikou, Zhengzhou and other destinations grew at the fastest rate, with an increase in the number of visitors to visit relatives and travel.

Homecoming peak
Cross-provincial travel ushers in small peaks

Cross-provincial private tour group growth of 260% Each year Qingming Festival is the time for people to return home to sacrifice their ancestors or step on the green travel. The popular destinations for cross-provincial tours are Sanya, Lijiang, Lhasa, Kunming, Zhangjiajie, Urumqi, Chongqing, Guilin, Huangshan and Linzhi. Tourist destinations that were once popular have gradually returned to their former prosperity.
Ctrip officials said that, unlike last year, thanks to the improvement in epidemic prevention and control and further relaxation of travel policies, Qingming Festival will usher in the first peak of cross-provincial travel this year. According to Ctrip data, the number of people who signed up for group tours on Qingming Festival increased 15 times over the same period in March; The number of people who have recently signed up for private groups has increased by 260% compared with the same period in 2019, with 70% of them signing up for private groups of more than four days.
Safe and private self-drive tours are still preferred. On the Flying Pig platform, Qingming car rental bookings increased by more than 140% month-on-month, with an average car cycle of 3 days. Sanya, Xi'an, Haikou, Guiyang, Yantai, Haikou, Zhuhai, Hangzhou, Zhanjiang and Shenzhen are popular self-drive destinations in Qingming.
The stability of the domestic tourism environment, the climate suitable for travel in the spring, coupled with various preferential policies and promotional activities of the local government and scenic spots and tourism enterprises, have provided a very good environment for the spring travel season this year, and the annual spring travel season itself is the peak season of the tourism industry.
In addition, the surrounding tour and cross-provincial tour rebound situation is obvious, Qingming small long holiday around the scenic spot ticket booking is also on the rise. Ctrip data show that as of March 16, 2021, the number of people booking scenic tickets through the Ctrip platform has returned to the same level in 2019. Bookings for scenic spots increased slightly by about 10% compared to 2019.
Ctrip hotel data show that this year's Qingming small long holiday hotel market recovery situation is encouraging. Among them, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Sanya, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Wuhan and other first-tier and new first-tier cities in this small long vacation is more popular with consumers; Industry insiders say hotels are also a travel destination for consumers with distinctive personalities, and a star hotel with a rich theme and cultural experience can often be the driving force behind travel.
Flying pig recently released the "Qingming Tourism Trends Report" shows that the rural revitalization led to a significant growth rate of rural accommodation and resort reservations, Qingming rural accommodation bookings increased by more than 165 percent, the city "escape" group for the original natural environment is full of yearning. Qingming hotel bookings also increased by more than 140% from last week, with Beijing ranked first among the most popular cities for Qingming holidays, with Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Changsha, Wuhan and the West in the top 10.

Tourist attractions adjust their strategy

In 2021, tourist attractions to study, adjust the market strategy for product and market adjustment, in addition to timely understanding of market trends, we must focus on the following aspects:

1. Create specialization

Personalized tourism products are the premise, especially creative experience products, the introduction of online red projects, the upgrading of secondary products, the development of night tours and other new ways to form market attractiveness and core competitiveness, to achieve revenue diversification.
No matter what era, the product is always the most effective and convincing. For the local tourism industry, a good event planning or publicity can only solve a problem that everyone knows, and a good product is the winning factor that can achieve long-term returns in the market.
Especially for tourist attractions, has entered the era of experience tourism, youth, and tourism area product development, developed decades ago, but also a few years ago, the characteristics of development of different periods are different, especially the original tourism-oriented, tourism characteristics are not obvious scenic spots, but also from the consideration of the feelings of locals, consider the feelings of young people to start, focus on meeting the characteristics of the market product upgrade. And remember: in the regional market, marketing means only accelerate the outside world's awareness, and the final competition will be product competition.

2. Do the local market

Pay attention to marketing means and methods, scenic spots to avoid ticket-free, recommended to do annual cards, and travel agencies and intermediaries to study and study tours, as well as small groups of high-end custom tours is another core of market development, market potential, cost-effective, worthy of key development.
Under the influence of the 2020 epidemic, many travel agencies closed down, or simple cross-border self-help, and most scenic spots simply rough use of ticket-free way to pull up the number of tourists, resulting in the phenomenon of Wangding not rich, and also overdrafted a large number of tourist market potential. I think this way is not desirable, do the most effective marketing way of the local market, not free tickets, but the implementation of the scenic annual card system, through the annual card to increase the tourists' re-visit rate and bonding degree, so that tourists from a few years to several times a year, so that scenic spots become part of the local people's life and leisure vacation, let the travel agency play the service function of the bridgehead, activate and promote the local tourism market.
In addition, at present, the most stable group of visitors, relatively the highest profit is a small group of customized high-end tour and research tour, can do a good job of these two groups, on the one hand, depending on product characteristics, on the other hand, also depends on the social resources behind the tourist attractions, so, conditional scenic spots, when the focus is on considering a piece of the research market.

3. Don't follow the old way of thinking of keeping tourists as scenic spots

Through tourism plus and tourism interconnection, ready for cross-border integration, to achieve the diversification of resources.
With the gradual deepening of the integration of cultural tourism, more cross-border integration in 2021 will bring new opportunities for tourism, culture, sports, ecology, entertainment, health and other forms of integration will bring more rich connotations to the creation of "tourism" or "tourism" composite products, will further meet the expectations of different groups of people for cross-border travel. "People"-based "travel plus" will be interpreted and expanded to more redefinit and possibilities.
With the rise of young consumer groups, travel will certainly develop in a more personalized direction, with personalized service as the advantage of tourist destinations in various forms of cross-border integration will also usher in a broader space for development.

4. According to local conditions to implement planning

At present, has entered a new era of Internet-led media-led communication, and most tourist attractions marketing system, still stuck in the decades ago, channel-based era, which is the majority of scenic spots in the market operation is difficult to get the main reason.
In the new era, how should the marketing system of tourist attractions be built? The author combined with more than ten years of first-line scenic marketing work experience, as well as travel throughout the country, after visiting thousands of tourist attractions, came up with a new period of tourist attractions to create a new marketing system. Moreover, in order to make scenic marketing more practical function, more in line with the implementation of the landing of various scenic spots, the author also for different types of scenic spots throughout the country carried out dozens of marketing training, in the training process, but also carried out continuous adjustment and improvement. At present, the marketing system is basically formed, I believe it can stand the test of the market.
It has to be noted that by the 3-day holiday time limit, Qingming Festival travel around the tour is still the main force, cross-provincial tour or close cross-provincial mainly. Relatively speaking, May Day five days off is more worthy of the industry's expectations, directly extending the tourist radius, the most intuitive embodiment of the long-distance cross-provincial tour has a positive impact. According to the website, ticket bookings for may Day travel have doubled in the same period in 2019.
Jin Jin, secretary-general of the Tourism Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that compared with last year, the radius of Qingming Festival and May Day travel should continue to expand, especially around the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta between several major urban groups of tourism activities will be exceptionally strong and frequent.
It is reported that in 2021 the tourism economy will recover from full-scale resumption of work to consumption and investment. Now in Qingming, May Day double overlay, the domestic amusement industry will be as expected by the industry, ushered in a wave of recovery climax?

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